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torstai 31. joulukuuta 2015

Christmas 2015

8.58 0 Comments
And Happy New Year! I'll tell you about my Xmas with pictures, because I don't have just time to tell you....If you'll ask something do that! :)
At the morning we ate porridge :)

Every Xmas Eve, we went the gravity"park"

Christmas tree and presents

Starter tabel

Dinner tabel


Our Christmas is normal, we are just chilling at home. My grandma went to us this year.
I was (26.-30.12) in Hyrynsalmi and I'll do a post of that trip soon...:)
Have a nice year, hope you all enjoyed that year!
- Nina

tiistai 22. joulukuuta 2015

10 Facts

4.34 0 Comments
And Merry Christmas :) I hope that you have a good Holiday and I'll just tell you about myself...what you don't know :D

1. I'm training like every day, but don't eat well...I just love fast food and everything, like candys, sodas and chips... :D I don't have a balance with those...oobs...

2. I can't live without my "mascot". I did one presentation of that and I'm sleeping with "him" every night <3

3. I love travelling and learn new cultures and meet new people around the world. That's very important.

4. I can't without Eurovision (music competition every year in Europe) and I can like every song by heart, and those are also good training music :)

5. I've played piano 1 year, when I was like 15-16 and now days can't just nothing. Love that anyways, and I'm missing that time...:(

6. I got born on 23-06-1996 and I'm turning 20 next Summer...I'll that year (2016) will be one of my best years in my life :)

7. I've 10 cousins, 3 aunts and 1 nuncle. I love spending time with my family <3

8. I've 0 caries on my teeths,... :D

9. I love my friends and those are my second family. Some of those are my "sisters" because I've spent so much time together and we knows everything about us.

10. I hate people who doesn't use flash in traffic.

Hope you like that and learned something new about me :) I'm back on 25th and telling you about my Xmas Eve,

perjantai 18. joulukuuta 2015

My year 2015

6.26 0 Comments
This year has been just perfect. I've traveled around the world and just have good time. I'll tell you more...

Year started with a trip to Sweden with my family. That was a cruise because Silja Line goes from Helsinki to Stockholm, that's like 15 hours on the boat. Sweden is like a Helsinki, but there are "old town" and better people than in Helsinki. I recoment that place.

I've also seen some artists this year, inter alia Jari Sillanpää, Laura Voutilainen and Krista Siegfrids.
I saw Laura Voutilainen in Aleksanterin Teatteri in Helsinki. She is one of the Finlands most known singer. She performed with Veeti Kallio there.
Jari Sillanpää had his show in Olympic station in Helsinki, because he had his 50 - year old gig there. One of my favorite moments in my life. That gig took like 4 hours and he singed songs what he has performed in his 20 year career.
I've seen Krista many times, now in 3 years. I just love her! I saw her 4 times this year, one time in Forum (shopping centre in Helsinki), Then at the Pride in Helsinki, Kaivopuisto, there were also Anna Puu, Jesse Kaikuranta...That day was warm and I'd best time with my friends. Then I saw here in Vuotalo in Helsinki, that was a acoustic gig and like a interview gig with Bettina S.

I just love travelling around world. In this year I was in Rome, Marbella (in Spain) and one day in Dusseldrof. In Rome I was in May, because that was my parents 20 years "married" trip. Just a nice city in Italy :) Then in Marbella we were in Spring holiday. That was nice to be there, but cold. One day was warm and that was our last day there, so I feel like I would be there longer time :D Dusseldorf was a nice city, and we saw everything in 4 hours because we'd time...before our flight has boarding to Spain.

I can't wait to year 2016! I know that's going to a amazing year for me <3
- Nina

tiistai 15. joulukuuta 2015

Lucia -dagen

12.24 0 Comments
Sunday 13th was Lucia -dagen in Norden. That's a tradition here in (Finland, Sweden...) and that comes from the history, Saint Lucy (Sankta Lucia). She (who will be choose by jury) comes to give some "light" to dark winter. Lucia goes also to sing for seniors and bring some light before Xmas.
Here in Finland, this year Lucia was called by Sonja Lehto. If you will be Lucia, you have to speak Swedish and you have to sing alone and with your friends.

In our schools in Finland, we have a Lucia "party" when we are singing that "sankta lucia" and hear a story what Saint Lucy do.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle lucia

If you will see some videos, what actually they do, you can watch from youtube, like that one, what I just love:

I hope that you'll have a nice week, I'm out with a new post on Friday :)
- Nina

lauantai 12. joulukuuta 2015

Training tips

16.40 0 Comments
I'm training 3-4 in a week, and feel that I can't do more than this. I need to rest often and eat much, that I have "power" to train hard. Sometimes I love to be at gym, sometimes, that's sucks. No can do. If I'm training with mad face, that's a bit harder because my motivation is 0. I'm doing that still, and it feels after that, really good :) So, if you've a boring day, go to train and just do that, you're feeling much better after that.

So what to do at home,
If I do something train home or outside, I'll do a short train, because that's not same to train home. So here it is:
40 mins walk/run outside
20 x 2 squats
10 x 3 dips
And after that a short stretch. You can choose who strong that all is because you can do dips and squats with some stuff like a extra weight.

Hope you all have a nice day :)
- Nina

keskiviikko 9. joulukuuta 2015

My lifestyle

0.51 0 Comments

Someone asked me to tell about my lifestyle.
I can say that i would need to change my diet, because I just eat fast food and candy, sodas and chips. I eat chicken, fish and meat on burgers and pizzas. I don't eat vegetables, berries and so on...I maybe need to take some new sorts to my diet, but I'm not sure, am I ready :D I hope that would be next year maybe...
Also, I love to train and do that alone and with my friends. That's fun to do together and also just do and concentrate what I/we have to do. I'm not doing that to get me fit and so on. Just to be healthy and enjoy my life. Yes, I will have some guns but not look like a bodybuilder. I hate swimming lessons and running, but I would like to test and begin with that on Spring when we don't have slippery ways. If I found love to run, then I would absolutely run abroad when I can do that in different ground. Let's see :)
Hope you all have a good week and I'm back on weekend, and writing about something or just photos, let's see!

lauantai 5. joulukuuta 2015

Independence Day

14.02 0 Comments
Today 6.12 is Finlands Independence day. Finland have been now 98 years independent. I've respect that day every year, because those soldiers who was fighting in Finland, gave their life. Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää Suomi!

Every year, the Presindent of Finland, will order prom in his "castle". He invites all politician and some Finnish people who has influenced in Finland, like some athletics. Like every people will watch that via television.
So, how you can get a invite? You've to be popular in Finland, and have a imagine, then you maybe have a chance to get that. Every year there be like a theme and you'll dress then like that. That's so nice to see what people have dressed. There is so pretty dresses and some horrible too.
I can tell you what you'll do there: first you'll shake hand with President and his wife. Then you'll get something to eat and drink. After everyone have shacked hand with him, then the dances begins. That takes 1-2 hours and then you can go home or to bar, Someone have celebrate that like 6-8 hours...(tomorrow is Monday, guess who are working at morning...?) .

Have a nice week everyone, and it's only 3 WEEKS only left before X-mas?!
- Nina

maanantai 30. marraskuuta 2015

Hello December

14.03 0 Comments

And happy December. As you all maybe know, X-mas is a favorite holiday, when everybody can relax and be with family. I just love that. X-mas is also a special holiday for me, because it's Jesus's birthday and we're celebrating it too. Everyone know that, we're giving some presents on 24th of December and Santa from Rovaniemi is maybe coming. All kids will see him every year. :)
Here in Finland is few special days before X-mas: Lucia -dagen and Independence Day. I'll do a post of Independence on Sunday 6th.
I can tell you guys also what I do before X-mas. I just love to prepare all things, like this

Hope you like my blog and what I'm posting here, I chance language sometimes, because I've friends who don't understand English, If i get a job abroad, I'll (of course) tell how it goes, in two languages :) Have a nice week everyone and I'm back on Sunday 6th.

torstai 26. marraskuuta 2015


1.18 0 Comments
Nyt on sitten jo ensimmäinen adventti sunnuntaina ja jouluun on siis enään 29 päivää?! Tämä vuosi on mennyt todella nopeasti ja innolla odotan myös mitä vuosi 2016 tulee pitämään sisällään. Siitä kerron teille vähän myöhemmin lisää, kunnes saan ainostaan päivät löytyä lukkoon :) Voisin näin joulun alla myös kertoa mun valmisteluista jouluun ja myös vähän mun omia joululahja-ideoita, mitkä ovat omaperäisiä ja myös halpoja.

Oon erittäin jouluihminen ja aloitan yleensä jo kesällä fiilistelemään joulumusalla (hups :D) mut mun mielest vaan joulukappaleet ovat niin hyviä, eikä niihin myöskään yleensä kyllästy. Aloitan myös yleensä listojen tekemisen hyvissä ajoin, että ehdin katsella jo alennusmyynneistä mahdollisia lahjoja hyvään hintaan ja myös mahdolliset matkat ovat yleensä ainakin minun kohdalla hyvää aikaa ostaa jo lahjoja.

Omaperäiset lahjat ovat mielestäni parasta mitä tiedän ja ikävä kyllä tämä idea tuli minulle vasta syksyllä mieleen. Ajattelin mm, tehdä oman "keitto"kirjan, minne kasaan kaikki omat bravuuri-ruoat ja leivonnaiset ja myös vinkkejä miten tehdä ruokaa helposti ja hauskasti. Toinen lahjaidea on kasaa Ifoloriin oma kalenteri, omilla kuvilla ja antaa vaikka sellainen isovanhemmalle lahjaksi, missä on omasta perheestä kuvia (tykkäävät todella paljon). Myös itsetekemät joulukortit ovat olleen kavereiden mieleeni, ja niitä on sitten kiva katsoa monen vuoden jälkeen uudestaan ja katsoa miten itse on esimerkiksi kehittynyt "taiteessa" ja näkökulmissa. Itse en tykkää valmispohjakorteista, sillä ne ovat vuodesta vuoteen aina samanlaisia ja välillä myös aika tyhmiä.

Nyt illalla onki sitten odotettu Carolan joulukonsertti, mistä voin sitten kertoa teille lisää seuraavassa tekstissä. WoopWoop!!

Miten te vietätätte joulua, onko teillä jotain perinteitä? Perinteistä kerron teille sitten joulukuun puolivälissä ja myös mahdollisesti jotain kuvia olisi myös tulossa sinne postaukseen. :)

- Nina

tiistai 24. marraskuuta 2015

And that's who i am...

0.00 0 Comments
This post is now in English and let the pictures tell about me this time. If you have some questions, please ask :)

Have a nice week :)

lauantai 21. marraskuuta 2015

Uusi yritys :)

7.37 0 Comments
Moikka vaan kaikille,
Haluisin aloittaa uudestaan tämän blokin kirjoittamisen, koska tunnen, että tästä voisi olla jopa hyöytä tulevaisuudessa ;) Saatte vapaasti ehdoittaa minulle aiheita, mistä kirjoittaisin tai toteuttaisin jotain uutta tänne blokin puolelle myös. Minulla on tosiaan snapchat (nipdeee) ja myös instagram (ninassofia), missä voitte seurata mun arkea paremmin kuin täällä. Tähän väliin voisin vielä kertoa vähän itsestäni.

Olen siis Nina, 19, Espoosta ja käyn vielä lukiota Espoonlahdessa. Rakastan hengata lasten kanssa, tehdä ruokaa (erityisesti leipoa) ja myös matkustaa sekä valokuvata kaikkea mahdollista (pyrin myös saamaan tänne blokin puolelle jotain). Musiikkimakuni on todella laaja, melkein kaikki genret menee, mutta onhan mulla tietysti lempialueet, jotka ovat sitten minun arkipäivääni, joita sitten autossa ajellessani kuuntelen. Mä kans treenaan 3-4 kertaa viikossa salilla ryhmäliikuntatunneilla, koska omatoiminen salilla käynti ei sovellu mulle...Vapaa-ajalla vedän myös seurakunnan puuha -ja kokkikerhoa kahden kaverini kanssa Olarissa kerran viikossa 1.5h ajan.

Laittakaa ihmeessä palautetta ja palataan asiaan "toivon mukaan" pian :)
- Nina